Thursday, July 11, 2013

Vocabulary Instruction with Text to Talk

I am linking up with Castle and Crayons with my recent post on comprehension!

I was excited to see the linky over at Literacy Spark on vocabulary instruction!  I was already planning on sharing about vocabulary for my next post!

Last year we began using Scholastic's Text Talk: Robust Vocabulary Instruction.  We had to share the kits with other classrooms last year as we launched the program.  However, yesterday at a meeting, I got my own set for my room.  I brought it home to do some prep work and review it before we begin again this fall.

This kit includes two copies of all of the picture books needed to implement the program!  Each book covers six vocabulary words to study with your students.

 The teachers guide includes lessons for each day to review each of the six vocabulary words.  The kids really enjoy doing this and it is great to see them applying this new vocabulary in their discussions and writing!

For each book, there is a pad of post its with discussion questions as you read the book to the children.  These are great for making connections!  We took these, but cut them down and glued them into a teacher copy of each book.  It is super handy to have it there and ready to go!  Since I just got my own copy for our classroom, this is what I will need to work on this summer.
Again, these post its will be cut down in size.

A fun poster is included.  Last year, we tallied each time we used one of the words to see which word we used the most.

This photo is of a pocket chart that can hold the books for students to refer to.  (Please excuse my foot:)

Here are the books that are included in the Level B kit.

Finally, there is also an implantation DVD included.  I have not watched this yet. 

Using a binder, we set aside a portion of it to hold vocabulary sheets that I purchased from Kim Adist's Literacy Vocabulary PackYou can check out her vocabulary words recording sheet in her preview of this awesome pack!  My kids loved filling these pages out last year.
That is all I have for now.  I am off to check out who else has linked up and what they have to say about their vocabulary instruction!