Thursday, September 1, 2011

Open House Goodies!

Hey there!  This morning we had our Open House!  Our Kindergarten and Developmental Kindergarten have our Open House in the morning with the rest of the grades in the evening.
During our Open House our little ones have the chance to meet their teacher, see their classroom, have a snack in the cafeteria and then go on a bus ride.  The time spent in our classroom involves briefly going over our K handbook while the children draw a picture of themselves and write their name on an index card that has rounded corners from using my rounder from Creative Memories.
Then, I passed out our goodie bags.  I explained to them that we will have a "Me Bag" that will be sent home with each child.  They will have the opportunity to place some items in the bag to share about themselves.  So, in the goodie bag I shared a few things about me with goodies that they could keep!  As I told them a quick snippet about myself, they had to find the matching item in their bags. This is what I placed in the bags.
Book= I like to read.
Pencil= I like to write.
Smiley face=my school family makes me happy.
Smarties = I like school because it helps make me smart
Farm stamp= I live on a farm
Bubbles=I like to play outside

*My favorite part was the S'mores baggie!  I used it to link to my family loving to camp!  I got this idea from The Weekly Hive.  You can also get the printable labels there too!

We also read one of our Pete the Cat books!  They loved the song and I can't wait for all our upcoming activities!