Friday, September 9, 2011

Bucket Fillers and a Circle of Respect

Today I would like to share about our behavior management system in our classroom.  This idea was originally from Julie Lay.
During the first week of school we discuss our Kindergarten Rule:  Work hard and be nice.  Basically, if we are doing these things it covers all of the other rules we could list.  If I am using kind words, keeping my hands to myself, etc. I am being nice.  If I am listening, following directions, doing my best work, etc. I am working hard!
We all agree to follow our Kindergarten Rule by placing our clip on the Circle of Respect.  We use yellow and red choice boxes when we forget to "be nice or work hard."  These boxes stay on my desk to keep it more private...between the student and I.  However, we also have the ROYAL PURPLE CROWN!  Students have the opportunity to have their clip moved onto the purple crown for extra special behavior!

     Have You Filled a Bucket Today: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids
Our school is a Bucketfillers school!  We read these books each fall and incorporate them into our classrooms and school community.  In our classroom, each child has a bucket.  They earn warm fuzzies for their buckets when they fill my bucket for positive behavior.  I will be trying something new this year.  They will be able to trade in their warm fuzzies for tickets to do special things.  The warm fuzzies and tickets idea came from the blog:  Oh the Places We'll Go.  Please visit her blog for more information and her freebie tickets!
The bucket system above is from Beth Newingham's blog.
I would love to hear what you do!  Have a great weekend!



I love the circle of respect!!

Quench Your First

Jennifer K.

Thanks for letting me know about this post! I love the idea of the purple crown - what a neat way to recognize those that go above and beyond!

Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten